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Glen Ransley, Principal

When I was a boy my Father owned and ran his own small butcher shop.

After school each day I would help my Father clean up the shop and then watch as he recorded the daily transactions into large leather bound ledgers. I loved the look, feel and smell of the old ledgers and the perfectly written and balanced numbers. It wasn't long before I was making entries into the ledgers myself.

50 years on, as Principal of Balanced Bookkeepers and a Licensed BAS Agent. I have a Team of highly qualified Accounting Technicians that provide bookkeeping. BAS services and accounting support to over 100 small to medium businesses in Tasmania.

Today, we certainly do not use the old leatherbound ledgers, we do use the latest technologies to ensure financial transactions are captured in the most efficient and cost-effective manner possible.

We will continue to follow emerging software to ensure we have the best possible range of tools to suit our clients.

Things change quickly but we still have the pleasure of balancing your books at the end of the day.

Design & Developed by alpha business designs